Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you ever wondered what path you would be on if you had made a different choice at any number of past decisions you faced?

Or maybe a quick decision is needed and you hesitate and then the moment is gone?

Welcome to my life. Second guessing and hesitation are my faults. I don't usually make a decision unless I'm almost 100% certain it's something that will work out. And usually such hesitation leaves me with no decision because the window of opportunity has already closed.

Just recently I've been thinking about several decisions that I hesitated on--one being about a girl I went to college with. To be perfectly honest, if I had not hesitated and had just asked her to be my gf, we would've probably been married by now. But, for some reason, I didn't make that choice. I decided to "play it safe". I wanted to get through college and wasn't sure if a relationship would help or hinder me--especially since she went to a different college not far away.

And now, even though we're still friends, I don't ever see getting back with her.

So I wonder--what if I hadn't hesitated? What if I had just taken the plunge, been a man, and just asked her to be my girlfriend?

They say hindsight is 20/20 and I say that's right. But how do you know when to think something over and when to just go for it?

That is my quandary.


  1. I have things I look back at and say I wish I had acted or not depending..but I always wonder where I would be now had changed anything...I like the place I am in now, thats not to say I dont have regrets but what comforts me is all the choices I made brought me here....I hope as time goes by you get that feeling too..

  2. I do that all the time. What if I HAD moved to California like I was going to instead of staying where I am. What if...what if...

    To answer your last just do. There are instances where you just know what the right decision is. I've done things spontaneously, and I've planned other things out very well. It depends on the situation for me.
